SourceAgain supports Java 2 and later versions of the JDK
including JDK1.3.x.
Professional can help you find your bugs faster! SourceAgain
Professional creates new classfiles with debugging information, so you
can step through source code in your favorite debugger WITHOUT
recompiling. Finding bugs with third-party components has never been
A more detailed description of SourceAgain's unique capabilities
is available. You can also find out more about SourceAgain by reading
our White Paper or our answers to Frequently Asked Questions.
SourceAgain is available in three forms:
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Introducing SourceAgain
SourceAgain is the world's leading decompiler for Java class files.
Unlike previous attempts at decompilation technology, SourceAgain is
able to correctly analyze and decompile even the most complex Java
control flow, producing correct, re-compilable Java almost every time.
SourceAgain PC Personal
The standalone class file decompiler for Windows
PC Professional
SourceAgain PC Personal plus an integrated decompilation tool for most
popular Java development environments
SourceAgain UNIX
The command-line version of SourceAgain for UNIX